Cataract surgery
Mr. Doctor. Katsourakis George has performed more than 5,000 surgeries. All operations done under local anesthesia, and patients do not need hospitalization. New tech machinery and technique in cataract surgery allow us through a small incision about 3 mm to put a foldable lenses, and the patient returned the next day to work.
Corneal transplant
Mr. Doctor. Katsourakis George deals for 20 years in collaboration with (Cornea Consultants of Boston) and (Tissue Bank International) in corneal transplant surgery. Has successfully operated on hundreds of patients with keratoconus, bullous keratopathy, corneal wounds, burns and herpetic keratitis.
Apokollisis Retina - Vitrektomes
The ophthalmologic center DIATHLASI cooperates with specialists involved in retinal detachment with retinal lesions and bleeding.
Partners are physicians correcting strabismus and general ophthalmology child.
The center undertakes patients who need to Argon Laser photocoagulation of amfivlistreidous in cases of diabetic retinopathy.
The center undertakes cases of patients suffering from glaucoma (visual field) and Laser trabeculoplasty in glaucoma study. Also performed all operations required to the patient.
Low Vision Aids
In patients with very low vision aids are special for improved vision to the point that the patient can read.
The clinic at 18 Fleming Street is open daily 9:00 am - Wednesday 14.00 and 18.00 - 21.00. The clinic at 19 Academy Street in Athens open: Monday - Tuesday - Thursday 18.00 - 20.00. .: Tel 2103611275, 2103610252